Thursday, August 22, 2013

Summer is Over - Almost Time for MOPS to Begin!

We enjoyed our final play group of the summer, this week!  It is hard to believe that another MOPS / MomsNext year is about to begin.  We have had a busy summer getting the word about MOPS out there in the community.  We had a diaper changing station and information booth at Harmony by the Bay in June.  It was fun talking to all the moms and seeing some new faces.  I am not sure how many diapers were changed, but a number of moms heard about North Shore MOPS!  

We walked in the Waterfront Kids Parade which kicks off the Waterfront festivities in Menominee.  We handed out freeze pops and candy, as well as, cards sharing our information.  

Throughout the summer, we had weekly play groups at local parks.  It was a fun way to keep in touch with the moms during the summer.  

We had a steering team planning retreat early in June and decided what topics and speakers would be covered and then we met once per month to iron out details for our upcoming MOPS year.  

The theme is perfect for moms:
"A Beautiful Mess: Embrace Your Story" which is what we all live in as moms!  We are creating, growing, nurturing life in our children and that is almost always messy.  It may be messy but what a beautiful mess it is!  A Beautiful Mess reminds moms that beauty can come out of their difficult spots.  The grime of raising children brings the beauty of motherhood.  The bruises of life can bring God's redemption.  Embrace Your Story reminds moms that our past, present and future can be used for good.  God knows where each of us has been, where we are today and he has set in motion where we are headed.  

The theme verse is Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) "For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

Join us or let a mom know about how to join us!  September 10, 8:45 AM - 11:00 AM at North Shore Church.